Man, I gotta tell ya. My tolerance for Trump stories was blown past about 12 months ago. Every new jaw-dropping, horrifying action of his that gets brushed off as a harmless faux pas just . . . it barely even registers anymore. It’s not normal, this shit he does is NOT NORMAL in this country, it’s not acceptable, it’s not even civilized, but I just can’t keep up with it. I don’t have the capacity for outrage necessary to maintain the proper level of outrage at his behavior, and even if I did, I would be dead of a heart attack well before the election.
I’m at the point where there is pretty much nothing that would convince me to vote for him over Hillary. She had pneumonia, so fucking what? Seriously? Pneumonia? She had a private email server? SO WHAT? I see this shit and I want to scream, DO YOU SEE WHAT THE OTHER GUY IS DOING? He commits so many atrocities on a daily basis that I think they’re going after Hillary just because it’s easier and they need a chance to catch their breath.
Hillary would have to cannibalize a human baby on live TV to lose my vote, and even then, I wouldn’t vote for Trump.
So I will vote. I will depend, terrifyingly, on the intelligence and goodwill of my fellow Americans to determine whether this country sinks or swims in this new millennium. I will be an anxious wreck between now and then, the human equivalent of an exposed, sparking wire.
But I won’t follow every story. I just can’t. I don’t have it in me.